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You have found an animal? Our team is here to help you!

Please note that many of our services are now by appointment only. Please refer to the sections below to find out how to proceed. If in doubt, contact us at 819 243-2004 or  and we will guide you on how to proceed.

What should I do if I find a pet?

Have you found a pet in one of the areas we serve?

What should I do if I find a wildlife animal?

With urban sprawl and development, it is not uncommon to see many small mammals taking up residence in our neighborhoods and becoming more urban wildlife.

It is not recommended that you relocate small wildlife on your own, as this poses risks to you and the animals. For example, baby wildlife is often left alone during the day and only fed in the evening or at night. They are not truly abandoned by their mothers. An attempt to relocate them could separate the young from the mother at a key period in their development.

Furthermore, our shelter is not able to take in wild animals.

You can refer to the resources of the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec for more information and tips for harmonious cohabitation.

In any case, we are here to support you and to look after the well-being of the animals around us. Do not hesitate to contact us at 819 243-2004 or at .
